I’ve been in a few different conversations lately with friends that have boys and have been told that I have no idea. At first that simple statement bothered me but then I thought about it …they are right. And guess what? It’s ok! God has blessed us with three girls. And yes we have our own issues with having a house full of girls (poor Rob). We are emotional and at times we just need a good cry but what also goes along with that is caring and compassionate hearts. And what fun it is to have three girls with three different personalities and styles…watching them come into their own has been fun and interesting to say the least.

Emma likes green and aqua and she likes her clothes to be plain but she is into accessories (hats, vests, fun colored socks, boots, jewelry).  She is my adventurous one and a bit of a tomboy…she is little so she has more to prove. People always think she is 8 or 9 instead of 11. She seemingly does not get her feelings hurt very easily but when she cries she breaks my heart because it doesn’t happen often.

Abby is a huge fan of pink and she loves sparkle and bling! She would wear pink from head toe if I let her. She is more my girly,girl although she can hold her own with the boys next door. She has discovered recently that she loves basketball (which I believe is because that is her daddy’s favorite). She is my emotional girl…when she was younger she would cry so hard she would throw up and laugh so hard she would get the hiccups. She cries often when she thinks to much.

Olivia likes to be like her sisters. She loves tower accessories but doesn’t wear them for long…she admires herself in the mirror but rarely make it out the door with them on. She is my drama queen! Everything she does is big and she can be loud! She can cry huge crocodile tears at a drop of a hat and actually stop them as fast. But along with the big drama is big love! She just loves people and life.

So, yes I may have no idea about boys, but I am so thankful that God has given me my girls to show me life in so many way that I would have missed without them.

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